Saturday, July 14, 2012

29 years in life

This year -2012- i am 29 years old, decades passed since 1983, throughout this life span i have learned a lot from difficult situations, decisions i made, health issues, the revolution, social relations, work environment and many other check points in my life

Now that i am in the middle of it, i feel i have some experience to provide for the next generations, why should they face the same issues and make the same mistakes that we did ?

For that reason i am celebrating my birthday this year by creating this blog which will hopefully contain most of my experience in life which i gained in the previous decades and also all experiences i will gain in the future

Stay tuned

Karim Ouda 


  1. Wish you all the best for your Birthday..I like the idea of the blog. May Allah reward you for it.

  2. Happy birthday Karim and well done job
    Youssef ElMalty

  3. Start by Hexedit and subseven :P

    1. Lool, i think i should cancel Anonymous comments :)

  4. Very nice information.

    Dr. Girish Panchal
    Smita Arogya Kendra
